Family Outreach Survey

January 30, 2024

We’re excited to share a unique opportunity for you to contribute directly to the future of PDE research and support. Dr. Curtis Coughlin and Kristie Pauly, dedicated researchers at the Anschutz Medical Campus in Aurora, Colorado, have crafted a thoughtful survey with you in mind.

What is this Survey About?
This survey is a bridge connecting your lived experiences with the efforts of researchers striving to improve life with PDE. It’s your chance to voice what you need, what you’ve learned, and what you hope for in the future of PDE care and research.

How Can You Participate?
Participating is easy! The survey consists of just eight questions. These questions are designed to be simple yet insightful, focusing on the support you find most helpful and your experiences with PDE.


Why Should You Take Part?
Your input is invaluable. It’s more than just answers to questions – it’s the knowledge and insights that can steer the direction of future research and support strategies. By sharing your thoughts, you’re not just helping researchers; you’re helping the entire PDE community.

Confidentiality and Access
Your privacy is paramount. Rest assured, your responses will remain confidential and accessible only to Dr. Coughlin and Kristie Pauly. This is your safe space to express your thoughts and needs.
This is more than just a survey; it’s a step towards a future where your voices lead the way in PDE research and support. Thank you for considering this opportunity to make a difference!

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